Duromine – My Experience

Duromine And Keto

Weight Loss and Pills…

Duromine or Phentermine is the magic diet pill. It will kill your hunger, give you energy and make you lose weight! Fantastic, where do I sign up!

Well, I did sign up. To get these prescription wieght loss pills, it took $115 and two different doctors , one would not give it to me despite meeting the criteria (Hint: Be a fat ass). Duromine is a brand name and the active agent is “phentermine” and is only approved for short term use of fewer than 3 months. It is generally used as a temporary treatment between a lifestyle intervention and outright bariatric surgery.  The exact mechanism of action with phentermine is unknown.

Duromine – My Experience

I started on Duromine in Mid 2014, I can’t remember exactly when. The immediate, response was an energy boost, not “I’m going to scrub and vacuum the house at 3 am” kind of energy like you read about on various forums, but noticeable alertness came over me.

I thought I had the answer! A whole day passed and I didn’t want to eat. This was great I thought, I was someone who would eat 5 breakfasts if I had the means too.

But like all get thin quick schemes, it didn’t last long. In fact, for me, I almost feel the loss of appetite was mostly a placebo. About 2 weeks into my first month on Duromine, I could eat less and be satisfied, but I could feel it was not working as well as it had been. Still, I continued, I loved having energy in the mornings rather than being a near Zombie.

As I came to the end of the first months’ supply, I had lost a few kilograms, nothing to write about. I also had gotten a bout of food poisoning. I was sick to the stomach and throwing up after eating and drinking, It will pass I figured, but to be safe I stopped the Duromine.


8 Days later I was feeling better, so back to the Duromine, I went. I also had just brought my next month’s pack. It only took a couple of days back on Duromine and I was sick again! This time I couldn’t ignore the coincidence, but I did. I went to the doctor and got some indigestion medication.

Another day or so in and I was wrecked. I admitted defeat, another failed diet attempt. I stopped the Duromine, the next day I stopped the indigestion tablets. The day after I was back to my usual self.

My brush with Duromine wasn’t on a whim. I had read extensively about it and other people’s experiences. One trend that is clear with Duromine. It either works… Or it doesn’t. The other thing that is fairly clear is that most people who Duromine does work for, seem to put the weight back one once they detox and stop taking it.

Diet Pills vs. Keto Diet – My Take on it!

It would be almost 2 years from this time until I found Keto. Since taking “magic pills” to reduce weight is not a real solution and everything else being equal when you stop taking them what is likely to happen…back on the up and down roller coaster ride of weight control. However, for thoses that don’t mind taking non-prescription suppliments then have a look at these over the counter weight loss pills for ketogenic diet.

However, if meal plans or food guides and calorie restriction where as easy as taking a pill wouldn’t you go that route instead?
I did!
Okay, lifestyle changes are not easy but the keto diet is not really a “weight-loss diet” it’s just a more natural approach to eating. It just happens to have the side effect of controlling weight if your body needs it.

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